23 January 2007

Da Goods

If'n somebody's gonna pop online and start spouting about PC gaming, say, me, I'd better divulge what's under the hood.

The box is running:

WinXP Pro, SP2
3G Intel Pentium IV
A modest SiS 661FX mobo
ATI Radeon 256MB X850 XT, on Omega drivers
80G Western Digital IDE, 'cause the 300G SATA beastie ain't installed yet
Yer standard set of CD/DVD burners
...and a 17" CRT monitor. Woot.

And 'me' is Z, Zero, or more mundanely you can check my profile. I'm in Arizona. We have cacti. It's cool.

That said re: the box, until I either get a new mobo, new PCI-e card, or a new machine, the next-next gen games aren't gonna get too much monitor time here. This leaves me kinda stuck for 'current' reviews on, say, Splinter Cell: Double Agent, which is sitting unopened on my desk mocking me; however for those with the patience and/or copious amounts of boredom, I'm gonna go a bit more in-depth on the games I do run. (Hopefully with some concision and logical bent, but no guarantees. Hey, whaddya want for free?)

My to-do list is long, and whilst I don't expect massive amounts of people (read: anybody) to pop up and say "hey, what about this game?!" I can say this: this here blog concerns only single-player affairs, and if a title ships with multi I'm not gonna talk about it, because I don't do online. More on that in a sec, emphasis on moron. The majority of the titles as well will be FPS, with the occasional racing/driving bit tossed in because speed is fun.

Why FPS? Because aside from morepigs (MMORPGs, of course) they're the most popular sellers, though the WWII rush seems to have trickled off a bit. And because they're what I play. See, thing about myself and multiplayer gaming is this--I can't do it. I mean that. Sure, I can join a session, host a game. I even learned how to set up a wireless LAN. It was exciting. But where I flex my mad skillz with the solo experience, put me in old-school Unreal Tourney and watch me frag myself in the most imaginative, ridiculous and plainly noobish ways possible. It's embarrassing. I mean, if you were to watch me, you'd be embarrassed on my behalf. It's that bad.

So instead I shall tread where the road is familiar and if I see a pothole I can jump it, and if not, F9 is my savior.

Till next time. Z aus.


Anonymous said...

Good post.

Zero said...

Correction on the complete fail above: Being the moron that I am and not having played NFSU2 at the time, I didn't realize that freeroam was then an integral part of the NFS franchise thanks to U2.